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How many males vs. females are in the database samples?

How many males vs. females are in the database samples?

Published at: 2021-02-08

How many males vs. females are in the database samples?


  1. Is there a way to find out how many males and how many females are in the sample(s) from the database that you use to compare to your child in your language sample?

  2. If you just use age in your selection criteria, you will get the appropriate comparison based on age only. If you want to compare based on age and the same gender, you would need to include gender in your criteria. You could parse out the gender breakdown by not selecting gender in a first pass to get the total number of comparison samples. And then include gender in the criteria on a second pass. For example, if you get 45 samples without including the gender criteria, and then you run it again and say only females and you get 25 samples, you will know that the other 20 are males. Be sure you have the gender listed in the transcript header if you want to include that in your database selection criteria.

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