Making Language Sampling Easier!
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1603: Bilingual SE - Transcribing Samples

The standard SALT conventions also apply to Spanish samples and are not repeated here. This course covers the following conventions which are specific to Bilingual (Spanish/English) samples:

  • Setting up a bilingual Spanish transcript
  • Spanish character set
  • Overview of transcription conventions
  • Modified communication units
  • Identifying Spanish root forms
  • Reflexive vs non-reflexive pronouns
  • Plural bound morphemes
  • Bound pronominal clitics
  • Omissions
  • Spanish spelling conventions
  • Customized codes

Prerequisite: Familiarity with the standard SALT transcription conventions

Level: Intermediate
Time to complete: 2 hours

Learner outcomes: 

  • Segment utterances based on modified communication units.
  • Transcribe Spanish language samples using the SALT transcription conventions.
  • Use the SALT software to automatically identify the root forms of Spanish verbs.

At this time, ASHA will not accept this course for Professional Development Hours.

Materials Needed:

  • Any copy of SALT 24 or SALT 20 software. Older versions of the software may be used though you may notice differences in the menu structures and the reports.
  • Adobe Reader® or other PDF reader which is needed to view document files.

To access this course:

  • Go to
  • Create a new account or log in to your existing Moodle account. Note that this is not the same as your account.
  • To enroll in this course, scroll to the bottom and click the "Enroll me" button.