Mac users: SALT 18 software for Mac is not compatible with Mac OS 12.3 or higher. If you are using a Mac operating system higher than 12.2, you may consider upgrading to our current software, SALT 24. Click here for upgrade information.
Windows: Service Pack SALT 18.4.10 posted on November 5, 2023
Mac: Service Pack SALT 18.4.6 posted on March 11, 2021
IMPORTANT: If you are applying this service pack for Student or Instructional software, you should first deactivate and uninstall your copy of the software.
Download and run the appropriate executable file (below) to update your copy of SALT 18. Follow the installation instructions. Installing the service pack will not delete any of your data files.
for Windows® 10/8
for Mac v10.11 - 12.2
for Clinical License, Student License, and Instructional Site License; specific licensing is determined during the activation process.
for Clinical License, Student License, and Instructional Site License; specific licensing is determined during the activation process.
Windows: Included in Service Pack 18.4.10
Fixed problem with using the root identifier function that caused the program to crash when encountering a very long utterance including apostropes.
Earlier releases (also included in latest release)
Release 18.4.8 posted August 14, 2023 (Windows only)
Fixed problem with timing lines when start time was not 0:00. This problem was introduced in Service Pack 18.4.7.
Release 18.4.7 posted July 14, 2023 (Windows only)
Fixed calculation of elapsed time when multiple timing lines precede the first utterance or pause line.
Release 18.4.6 posted March 11, 2021
Fixed MA-TTR calculation which sometimes resulted in -1#J displayed rather than the correct value.
Release 18.4.5 posted October 19, 2020
Fixed upper/lower case relationship for international characters.
Fixed MA-TTR database values in the Standard Measures Report when the method used to equate samples is set to "Entire Transcript (regardless of length)".
Release 18.4.2 posted July 24, 2020
Updated the licensing database.
Updated the activation process, combining Clinical, Student, and Instructional (USA and NZAU) versions.
Research only: added "Password protected restricted access" when building databases; affects access from the Rectangular Data File tool
Release 18.3.17 posted December 17, 2019
Mac only: compatible with OS 10.15.1 (Catalina release 15.1).
Modified the activation process to facilitate deactivating group licenses.
Release 18.3.16 posted December 4, 2019
Fixed calculation of MA-TTR when the window size is larger than the number of words in the transcript.
Fixed database comparison of NSS/ESS/PSS/ONQ when + Context is not specified in transcript.
Release 18.3.15 posted November 10, 2019
Formatted several reports to make them fit the page better when printed.
Edited samples in the TNL database to add the [EP] errors (previously coded as [EW]).
Fixed calculation of database statistics to adjust for missing data, e.g., no questions asked --> no responses to questions
Added link to service pack page if unable to automatically check for updates
Updated the English Inflections.rif file so the irregular word "says" is not coded as "say/3s".
Fixed calculation of MA-TTR caused by including some of the other speaker words when moving the "window" through the transcript.
Fixed calculation of utterance length to exclude mazes in the Explore - Utterance Length option.
Fixed calculation of Database maze distribution tables (% mazes by utterance length) database comparison values.
Fixed calculation of Database grammatical categories database comparison values.
Fixed list of codes with linked samples for Omissions and Error Codes and for Fluency Codes.
Fixed format issue when the "Database --> Explore Plus Line Values" report follows the "Database --> Explore Words and Codes (X or O)" report.
Research version only: fixed problem with Tools menu --> BM, Word, and Code lists not printing/saving correctly.
Release 18.3.14 posted May 12, 2019
Fixed Database menu --> Explore Words & Codes to report results for Transcripts Matched by Length rather than Entire Transcript.
Fixed right margin cell format when printing reports.
Fixed issue with program shutting down when scanning a transcript incorrectly formated as a series of utterances beginning with "C-".
Added MLUm to bilingual (Spanish/English) database comparisons.
Updated Edit menu --> Insert Text to remove unused option of specifying selection characters.
Enhanced Edit menu --> Insert Code to work more efficiently with keystrokes.
Release 18.3.13 posted April 18, 2019
Research version only: fixed problem with program quitting when saving the results of reports in the Tools menu. This problem was introduced with service pack 18.3.11.
Release 18.3.12 posted April 16,2019
Fixed highlighting of values that were outside the SD interval in the database reports, particularly affecting the NSS/ESS/PSS reports.
Mac only: fixed issue printing the Performance Report
Release 18.3.10 posted March 14, 2019
Fixed format of separator columns in the Standard Measures Report and in the Turn Length, Intelligibility, & Semantics database reports.
Changed the maze categorization algorithm as it relates to part words. For details, generate the Maze Summary and then select Help menu --> Context Help.
Fixed problem with calculating the Moving Average TTR when the target speaker's NTW is less than the default window size.
Fixed problem with the program crashing when closing a transcript file on one side of the window (and it is the last file on that side of the window) and there is a related report file open on other side of window.
Release 18.3.9 posted February 7, 2019 (Mac only)
Fixed signing problem so Mac OS would accept our downloaded software as from a recognized distributor.
Release 18.3.8 posted January 25, 2019
MAC Only: Fixed a compatibility problem with Mac OS causing the software to crash.
Fixed problem with Explore --> List and Explore --> Find options when the transcripts are linked and only one of the transcripts match the criteria
Updated "Help menu --> About SALT" to display the product key in a box where it can be copied
Fixed problem with the Identify Roots utility for English transcripts which caused the program to shut down. This problem was introduced in Service Pack 18.3.5
Updated "Help menu --> Check for Updates" to check for the lastest update rather than the last one which triggers an announcement when the software begins
Release 18.3.5 posted December 14, 2018
Edited reference database samples and the sample transcripts
to include /EN bound morpheme
to include [EP:word] pronoun error code
to include /H’S, /H’D, /D’S, /D’D, /’US Contracted → HAS, HAD, DOES, DID, US
Updated "English Inflections.rif" root identification file to reflect the updated bound morphemes
Updated sample transcripts to reflect the updated bound morphemes
Updated User Guides to reflect the edited sample transcripts and reference databases
Research version only: fixed problem when creating/editing your own databases - caused when editing the database description or deleting single transcripts
Updated built-in help pages to reflect the changes
Release 18.3.4 posted October 14, 2018
Fixed problem created in service pack 18.3.3 with the "Database --> Explore Word & Codes" option halting while scanning the database samples.
Release 18.3.3 posted September 25, 2018
Fixed text in the Performance Report when there were more than 2 speaker zones. Also, fixed possessive when name ends with "s", e.g., Charles' rather than Charles's.
Changed the Database menu --> Performance Report to say "more than 3SD" for differences greater than 3 standard deviations.
Updated and replaced one transcript in the Persuasion database. This transcript had incorrect pause times entered.
Added an error message for pause time exceeding elapsed time (error #136) and a warning for pauses 1 minute or longer (warning #8).
Changed several report menu items to be grayed out rather than hidden.
Changed the Edit --> Check for Errors routine to always include all words, even those excluded from the current word base.
Replaced the sample word list "Mental.lst" with an expanded list "Mental Words.lst".
Updated the two modal word lists and renamed them Core Modals and Marginal Modals.
Added sample persuasion sample, George 15;5 Pers SI and NSS.
Updated user guides, Lesson 7 and Standard Conventions.
Fixed problem with selecting the database comparison set when the transcript contains a non-standard sampling context.
Explore options: fixed problem when transcript cut is based on utterances and the transcript contains @begin.
Explore Word and Code List: fixed search for phrases when part of the phrase matches and the entire phrase matches later in the same utterance.
Edited the grammatical category definition file to improve categorizing the BE verbs.
Added word and code list option to search for negated sets, e.g., !{word1,word2}.
Added word and code list option to search for words by their grammatical category, e.g., [[GC:codes]].
Fixed problem with some messages not visible.
Research version only: fixed problem with Tools --> Explore Multiple Transcripts --> Delete Codes where all transcripts were listed when Hits only was selected.
Research version only: fixed display with Tools --> Error Check when an error is found in the excluded part of the current word base, e.g., parentheticals.
Updated the built-in Help to reflect all changes.
Release 18.3.2 posted February 22, 2018
Fixed text in the Performance Reports, specifically the task description for the OFTM unique story.
Fixed error message for unmatched parentheses when utterance contains both parenthetical remarks and mazes, and parenthetical remarks are included in the analysis of the main body.
Edited header information in many of the reference database transcripts.
Updated the license agreements.
Release 18.3.1 posted January 15, 2018
Reformatted the SALT Reference databases to combine the three files that made up each database (.sd1, .sd2, .sd3) into a single file (.sltdb).
Research version: added option to convert older format databases to the new single-file format.
Release 18.2.6 posted December 21, 2017
Fixed text in the Performance Reports, specifically the task description for the FOHO story retell.
Release 18.2.5 posted December 4, 2017
Mac only: added the missing folder of root identification files.
Fixed problem with program hanging when an utterance contains one of the reserved characters (& or #).
Updated several of the built-in help topics.
Release 18.2.4 posted November 14, 2017
Added Elapsed Time to the Database --> Rate and Pause Summary.
Fixed Database --> Rate and Pause Summary to suppress database values for WPM and Utterances per Minute if none of the database transcripts were timed.
Signed the executable file and the installation file with a new SSL certificate (previous certificate had expired).