IMPORTANT: If you are applying this service pack for software earlier than release 20.3.1, you should first deactivate and uninstall your copy of the software.
Download and install the appropriate service pack (below) to update your copy of SALT 20. Installing the service pack will not delete any of your data files.
For Windows 11/10/8 (64 bit)
For Mac v10.13 - 14.1
Included in Service Pack 20.4.22
Fixed problem that caused file names to have duplicate extensions (Mac only)
Fixed problem with using the root identifier function that caused the program to crash when encountering a very long utterance including apostropes.
Earlier releases (also included in latest release)
Release 20.4.21 Posted October 26, 2023
Updated default database selections to return Play database when using + Context: Play in the header.
Release 20.4.20 Posted October 9, 2023 (Mac only)
Fixed problem related to PDF printing and Mac OS Somoma (14.X).
Release 20.4.19 Posted August 14, 2023 (Windows) & August 22, 2023 (Mac)
Fixed problem with timing lines when start time was not 0:00. This problem was introduced in Service Pack 20.4.18.
Fixed problem with activating software from a trial version where the transcript cut remained at 15 utterances. This problem was introduced in Service Pack 20.4.18.
Release 20.4.18 Posted July 15, 2023 (Windows)
Fixed calculation of elapsed time when multiple timing lines precede the first utterance or pause line.
Release 20.4.17 Posted May 25, 2023
Fixed problem in the Database Performance Report with linked transcripts. The Syntax/Morphology section incorrectly reported that the sample did not contain verbs.
Release 20.4.16 posted March 22, 2023
Fixed problem relating to identifying grammatical categories for words containing codes. Affects word and code list selections when double brackets are used to specify words of a specific grammatical category, e.g., [[GC:PPRON]]. Also affects the Edit menu --> Insert Grammatical Category Codes utility (Research version only).
Release 20.4.15 posted December 21, 2022
Updated affiliations.
Mac version: Fixed a problem with user permissions which prevented users other than the original installer from opening SALT.
Release 20.4.14 posted August 16, 2022
Fixed Edit menu to allow editing of Performance Reports
Fixed Edit menu and toolbar icons to reflect the type of the current window.
Fixed an infrequent problem which caused the program to stop working when running database reports with linked transcripts.
Improved information at beginning of database reports with linked transcripts.
Changed the image of the “select all” icon in toolbar.
Changed the recommended setting for the “Database Transcript Length & Intelligibility” report. Now recommends “Entire transcript” for narrative/expository/persuasion samples and “Equated by length” for all others.
Added the italics note to footnotes on the “Turn Length Distribution Table” database report.
Release 20.4.12 (Windows version) posted January 14, 2022 & Release 20.4.13 (Mac version) posted March 30, 2022
Mac version: compatible with compatible with both Intel and M1 on OS v10.13 - 12.5.
Fixed problem with Moving-Average NDW showing a value when the word count was zero.
Fixed problem with the Analyze menu --> Performance Report where the Semantics section ends with an unneeded partial sentence.
Changed age ranges in the Analyze menu --> Performance Report to reflect benchmarks that are closer to the speaker's age. Also edited the text to make it more clear where the benchmarks are coming from, e.g., specific reference database(s).
Windows only: fixed bug where Analyze and Database menu options were not available after generating the "Create Customized PDF Reports".
Updated the built-in help screens.
Fixed problem with software expiration date expiring 5 days too soon.
Release 20.4.11 posted June 15, 2021
Updated SALT logo.
Displayed "please wait" message during activation/deactivation.
Added +Select: option when selecting the database comparison set (see following bullet point).
Research only: added +Select: option when creating reference databases. This allows for a set of user-defined values which the user has the option of choosing from when selecting the database comparison set. Also added a setting which specifies whether or not to make <all>, if included in the dropdown selection options, the default value. Note that these enhancements resulted in a new database format which is not compatible with SALT 18. There is an option to save the database in the old format, without including the new features.
Release 20.4.10 posted April 8, 2021
Added Comprehension Questions report to Database menu when transcript has been coded for them.
Updated help file and fixed Contents tab.
Windows only: fixed problem with linked transcripts when printing the transcripts together at end of customized pdf report.
Release 20.4.9 posted February 27, 2021
Database Standard Measures Report and Quick Look report: fixed display to check for all database records missing pause times.
Performance Report: fixed capitalization of the speaker's name when using labels such as "the speaker", "the client", "the child".
Database Quick Look report: fixed issue with program crashing when transcript has timing information but the database samples do not. Also fixed calculation for "% Mazes" to be based on total utterances rather than analysis set utterances.
Release 20.4.8 posted February 1, 2021
Fixed problem with grammatical categories when word contains redefined root word, e.g., said|say, or with maze in middle of linked word, e.g., ba_ (na*) _nana.
Release 20.4.7 posted January 18,2021
Fixed problem selecting database comparison set where equating by length in words was based on total utterances rather than analysis set utterances. This problem was introduced in the previous service pack.
Moved the transcript "Andy 9;9 TNL Aliens.slt" from NZAU folder to TNL folder.
Changed database comparison to force selection of subgroup and location, if database built without default selection.
Updated databases with subgroups to remove default subgroup, e.g., Narrative Story Retell - no default story.
Research license: when building databases and adding transcripts, fixed display of warnings vs errors on plus lines.
Updated built-in help to reflect changes.
Updated Max system requirements in readme.txt file.
Release 20.4.5 posted January 9, 2021
Mac version: fixed problem which prevented deactivation.
Fixed problem with @begin/@end which produced unexplained error message when running analyses.
Fixed problem with selecting database records by grade when grade consists of multiple digits, e.g., 10. Rebuilt the Expository and Persuasion databases.
Release 20.4.4 posted January 6, 2021
Fixed problem with the text in the Errors section of the Performance Reports when the transcript contains an omitted nonstandard bound morpheme, e.g., /*ly.
Mac version: compatible with Big Sur (OS v11.0). It is also compatible with both Intel and M1 on OS v10.13 - 11.0.
Release 20.4.3 posted December 16, 2020
Merged all versions into one SALT version with specific licensing determined during activation.
Added pre-check for Internet connection when activating/deactivating the software.
Allowed for database samples not coded for SI, elapsed time, and plus line values.
Updated Bilingual Spanish Story Retell database to include additional FGTD and FOHO samples coded for pause times.
Updated TNL2 database to include SI coding.
Added 29 FWAY samples to Narrative Story Retell database.
Fixed upper/lower case relationship for international characters.
Fixed problem with empty pause time causing transcript error.
Added new Nonmainstream Forms report.
New variables
Added "% Utts with Nonmainstream Forms" to the Standard Measures Reports and Syntax/Morphology Summaries.
Added "% Utts with Fluency Codes" to the Standard Measures Reports and Verbal Facility Summaries.
Added "Number of Utts with Fluency Codes" to the Verbal Facility Summaries, Standard Utterance Lists report, and the Standard Utterance Types criteria in the Explore menu.
Added "Utterances with Nonmainstream-form Codes" to the Standard Utterance Lists report and the Standard Utterance Types criteria in the Explore menu.
Changed "Maze Words as % of Total Words" in the Standard Measures Reports to be based on total utterances rather than analysis set.
Changed Database Verbal Facility Summary and Maze Distribution Tables to be based on total utterances rather than analysis set.
Removed the [d] and [ed] codes from samples in the Play, Con, Nar SSS, and Expo databases.
Moved database descriptions, transcription conventions, and scoring guides to online documentation.
Added "Using SALT to Assess Errors" in Help --> Resources.
Updated "Using SALT to Assess Fluency" in Help --> Resources.
Added "Using SALT to Assess Nonmainstream Forms" in Help --> Resources.
Windows only: Removed the SALT PDF printer. Now defaults to "Microsoft Print to PDF".
Research license only
Added selection for Fluency Codes and Nonmainstream-form Codes to Generate Code List tool.
Added default Fluency Codes and Nonmainstream-form Codes when building databases - used for comparison.
Build Reference Database: changed default folder to External Database folder.
Updated RDF tool (updated file of labels). Added concomitant behaviors back into the Analyze menu --> Fluency Codes and Behaviors report.
Updated all documentation.
Release 20.3.3 posted August 19, 2020
Fixed the issue with offline activation where you needed to enter the code every time you ran the software.
Added the computer name to the "About SALT" dialogue box.
Release 20.3.2 posted August 2, 2020
Updated the license activation process.
Release 20.3.1 posted July 25, 2020
Updated the licensing database.
Updated the activation process, combining Clinical, Student, and Instructional (USA and NZAU) versions.
Allow codes in the middle of linked words, e.g., Mrs[EW:Mr]_and_Mrs_Porcupine.
Edited sample transcripts, adding SI and NSS/ESS/PSS where appropriate.
Updated Spanish transcription convention for identifying auxiliaries; previously auxiliaries were identified as AUXroot, now identified as just the root.
Updated Bilingual Spanish and Monolingual Spanish database samples to remove AUX on auxiliaries.
Edited Spanish Nouns and Clinics.rif and Spanish Verbs.rif root identification files to remove AUX on auxiliaries.
Edited Lesson2 to remove reference to AUX on auxiliaries.
Revised Default Databases dialog box and code to redefine how databases are selected.
Fixed Database Standard Measures Report and Verbal Facility reports so that pause data is blank if no matching database transcripts were coded for pauses; also adjusted footnotes.
New transcript - save as default now saves the other text for speakers, context, subgroup, language, and bilingual.
Research only:
Added "Password protected restricted access" when building databases; affects access from the Rectangular Data File tool.
Fxed Rectangular Data File --> Verbal Facility where selected pause variables were not corresponding to output.
Edited built-in help to reflect changes.
Release 20.2.9 posted April 15, 2020
Fixed problem when + Language plus line is missing in a transcript; the language defaults to the primary language (e.g., English).
Research version only: Tools menu --> Rectangular Data File. Standard Word Lists now includes a Language setting so that the word lists can be generated from any of the specified languages.
Release 20.2.8 posted April 3, 2020
Fixed database locations on Mac, introduced in service pack 20.2.7.
Fixed rounding issue with database reports, e.g., -0.996 rounds to -1.0 on report but not highlighted.
Fixed language labels so there are no blank labels when editing.
Release 20.2.7 posted March 16, 2020
Allowed for multiple Language plus lines indicating multiple languages within same transcript.
Fixed problem selecting context and subgroup options in New Transcript dialogue box.
Added second default location for external reference databases.
Improved setup option for specifying default reference databases.
Release 20.2.6 posted March 6, 2020
Updated warning #7 to include line numbers of first occurrence of timed and untimed pauses.
Improved error detection for pause and timing line formats, e.g., :o4.
Edited database samples to correct pause and timing line formats (see previous bullet point).
Fixed problem related to multiple bound morphemes which caused the software to shut down.
Updated bilingual Analysis sample "Juan 9;6 FWAY Spanish SI and NSS.slt".
Added "Lucy NZPN.slt" transcript to Book samples for NZAU versions.
Release 20.2.5 posted February 10, 2020 (Windows version) and February 21, 2020 (Mac version)
Fixed problem with "Analyze menu --> Syntax/Morphology Summary" which caused the program to hang when an omitted bound morpheme was found but the non-omitted form was not found, e.g., /*S occurred in transcript but /S did not occur.
Edited the rectangular data file "Spanish Verbs.rif".
Edited the following sample transcripts: Albany 9;1 APNF SI and NSS.slt, Alex 16;7 Con.slt, Laura 9;0 APNF SI and NSS.slt, Maria 7;3 FWAY English SI and NSS.slt, and Maria 7;3 FWAY Spanish SI and NSS.slt.