Analyze and Database menus are organized into language domains: macro analysis, syntax/morphology, semantics, discourse, verbal facility, and errors. This organization, which corresponds to the organization of the Standard Measures Report, facilitates locating additional, more detailed information in areas of interest.
YouTube video - New features in SALT 20
New reports
New report organization
The reports have been re-organized by language domain. There is a summary report for each domain with additional domain-specific reports for most categories. For example, the Verbal Facility Summary contains details about rate, pauses, mazes, and abandoned utterances. The Maze Distribution Tables provide even more details related to mazes.
Measures in the database reports may be compared to all age or grade-matched peers, or to the subset of database samples equated by length.
New variables
New reference database
TNL2 Narrative Samples – 778 children, ranging in age from 4;0 to 14;11, in grades PK, K, 1-8. These samples were collected for the standardization of the Test of Narrative Language - Second Edition (Gillam & Pearson, 2017).
Additional database samples
Additional FWAY samples added to the Narrative Story Retell database.
Expanded transcription conventions
@begin/@end sets now allowed throughout your transcript to easily select multiple sections for analysis.
SALT Reference Book included as part of the software
The SALT Reference Book provides the conceptual background of language sample analysis, practical guidelines for using SALT, and extensive appendices for quick reference to all the database protocols, transcription conventions, special coding, and more. A PDF copy of this book is now included as part of the software (accessible from the Help menu).
Normative graph and resources added as PDFs to the Help menu
Research Version only